Sunday, November 2, 2014




After focusing on research for two straight weeks, the class began to focus on ideation and creating ideas from some of the themes identified during our research. We decided to continue along the path of inquiry that involved thinking about scenarios and how they can impact how a user experience will differ. We are quite relieved and excited that are insight into scenarios was unique among the other topics presented in the class on Tuesday October 28th. We felt that the Premera team enjoyed our different perspective as well. 

On the following Thursday, we met with our partner team to brainstorm and discuss further some initial ideas we had about our respective topics of interest. Much of the discussion in the brainstorm was broad since both teams had interests in somewhat different areas and while we felt that we achieved some level of progress with a discussion of our first idea, the rest of the time was somewhat lost in generalities. However, we did achieve a workflow that would be very effective in using to create the rest of our ideas.

The next day, we met up as a team to further brainstorm about scenarios, employing the brainstorming techniques that we developed the day before. The six scenarios that we chose to focus on were users needing a doctor as soon as possible, users with new family additions, users suffering from chronic injuries or illnesses, users with mental health conflicts, users new to health insurance, and non-English speaking users. Our workflow consisted of first identifying and building upon the factors of consideration for providers, which was initially highlighted in our previous research. Next, we began brainstorming of some features that would like to see that incorporates these factors. Then, we created a timeline of interaction between the user and the tool while trying to integrate these features, some of which were somewhat outlandish, with the overall user experience in mind. Upon developing the frameworks for our six scenarios, we split up the sketching duties among the members and began collaborating on developing concise storyboards.

I think at this stage of the process that our ideas and sketches convey concepts that are not only unique but involve different technologies user experience techniques. Hopefully, the insurance team will feel the same way.

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